The elusive factor that separates average companies from great companies. It carries many different definitions and is characterized by a variety of unique qualities.
Can leadership be simplified? I believe it can be, with three words. Let’s start with the first one.
Highly functioning leaders spend much of their time finding ways to bring teams together and engaging them in support of the company’s mission, goals, and objectives.
What about the not-so-highly-functioning leaders? For them, it’s more about maintaining control. Keeping everyone in line. Having a hand in everything, everywhere. But that’s an impossible task. Eventually, the scope of the leader’s focus becomes too large to keep track of.
I call them “micro-managers.” We all know one. Or two. Or many.
However, rather than pulling everyone together, this type of (so-called) leadership disengages the team. This leads to the phenomenon we now call “quiet quitting.” Employees do the minimum work possible to keep their jobs. Resigning without leaving their jobs. No passion. No enthusiasm.
Leaders who engage with their followers create an atmosphere that supports trust. It leads to a workplace full of excited, determined people who work hard and play hard. It’s demanding but fun, all at the same time.
These leaders welcome accountability for their results and, in turn, expect the same from everyone else. They are personally engaged in the work and the mission of the organization.
I’d call this “leadership by example.”
It’s all as simple as engaging with people. Digging deep. Caring.
Being compassionate.
Being empathetic.
Being authentic.
Being real.
Artificial Intelligence can’t do any of this. Engaged leaders can. And should.
And must.
Next week, it’s the second E of leadership: