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The Sales Process: To Convince or to Converse?

Hard selling tactics are, well, just that – HARD!

The salesperson deploys rehearsed scripts, pushes back on objections, and uses ‘techniques’ to convince the prospect to say yes and to secure the close. That’s hard work!

It’s also hard on the prospect. And fails more than it succeeds.

But what if we changed it up and employed conversational selling? Instead of looking at the sales call as a battle to be won, what if it were more like a dialogue to understand the prospect’s needs?

This shift from convincing to conversing lets prospective clients feel respected rather than targeted. As a result, they are more likely to open up and be more authentic. If done correctly, the sale will naturally emerge.

When salespeople try to convince prospects, they immediately create resistance. Pushing for a sale triggers defensive and guarded responses and a healthy dose of skepticism.

The key lies in being patient and truly curious about the prospect’s current situation and needs. By dropping the pressure to close the sale immediately, the sales team often finds that the sale happens more organically.

And more frequently!

In my opinion, the future of successful selling comes with the understanding that the sales process isn’t to convince but to converse. Engaging in genuine dialogue will help prospective clients discover their path to the decision.

A natural outcome, not a forced conclusion. That just feels right.

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