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The Four Defenses, Part 3

Part three of the four defenses takes us to what I call…

The Time Dodge.

Like the Budget Barrier and Status Quo Shield, we regularly encounter this objection. This is nothing more than procrastination.

It's a stall tactic. Postponing the decision by claiming it’s not the right time or they need more time to “think about it.”

One of the first responses I learned in sales training (back in the day!) was, “I can appreciate that. What in particular do you need to think about?” More than half the time, the prospect will not have a good answer, or they will respond more concretely, allowing you to address the underlying issue – assuming there is one.

What are some ways to address this defense?

1. Create a sense of urgency.
There might be a lack of perceived urgency, where the prospect does not fully grasp the immediate benefits or the cost of a delay. Create urgency by highlighting the opportunity cost of waiting.

2. Offer an incentive.
This might involve providing a discount for a short period if they move forward or a special rate arrangement that only lasts for a short time.

3. Break it down.
Develop a phased implementation over a longer period of time, breaking it down into smaller, more manageable steps. “I understand this may be simply an issue of timing. Let’s start with a small pilot first. Do you have a pressing open role we can help you with to get started?”

4. Employ Future Pacing.
This is a great technique for helping the prospect ‘future pace’ or envision a future where your solution is already implemented and providing value. “Imagine that in a month from now…”

5. Feel, felt, found.
We are all familiar with this one. It might go like this: “I completely understand your concern about timing. Many of our current clients initially felt the same way. However, they ultimately found that starting sooner rather than later saved them considerable time and resources in the long run. What if we start on a smaller scale by…”

Addressing the Time Dodge with one or more of these strategies can increase your chances of moving the sale forward despite initial hesitations about timing. The key is to be empathetic to the prospect’s situation (actual or perceived) while clearly demonstrating the value and ease of adopting your solution sooner rather than later.

Our final of the four defenses will be covered next week with what I like to call The Rival Reference. “Why should I try vanilla? I like chocolate.”

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