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Successful Salespeople Are Successful Managers

We all want to know what makes successful salespeople successful. The simple answer is that they can…


But that doesn’t tell us anything, does it? That’s the result that successful salespeople obtain. But what do they do differently to get better results?

I’d say it’s because they are great managers. No, not managers of people, products, or services, but managers of three critical elements:

  1. Their time.
  2. Their pipeline.
  3. Their relationships.

Time. Elite sales professionals treat time as their most precious resource. They plan, avoid time-wasters, and dedicate every minute to things that generate revenue. Radiohead’s song captures this thought perfectly – “Everything In Its Right Place.”

Pipeline. Top sales performers maintain an exact understanding of where each opportunity sits in their sales cycle. As a result, they know the next specific action needed to move it forward. Instead of just ‘tracking’ opportunities, they actively qualify and requalify their leads using comprehensive criteria to focus their efforts on the most promising prospects.

Relationships. The cornerstone of sustainable sales success lies in effective relationship management. The most successful sales professionals view client relationships as long-term investments, not just transactional opportunities. They know key details about their clients and each business, as well as personal interests and pain points. More importantly, they keep in touch with them even when there’s no immediate sales opportunity. This builds trust gradually through ongoing interactions instead of sporadic interruptions.

Time. Pipeline. Relationships.

Exceptional salespeople understand that these three elements form an interconnected system of success. By mastering these skills, top performers create a cycle of success that consistently delivers strong individual and organizational results. Oh, and their clients win, too!

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